The Future

Selected readings about the future of health professions education

Deborah Simpson, Karen Marcdante, Kevin H. Souza, Andy Anderson, and Eric Holmboe (2018) Job Roles of the 2025 Medical Educator. Journal of Graduate Medical Education: June 2018, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 243-246. Click here.

Rincón-Gallardo, S., Fullan, M., 2016. Essential features of effective networks in education. Journal of Professional Capital and Community 1, 5–22. Click here.

Miller C.  Medicine is not science: guessing the future, predicting
the past. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. Click here.

Kandel E.  The New Science of Mind and the Future of Knowledge. Neuron. Click here. 

JAMA. Knowledge and Wisdom in Medicine. JAMA.  Click here.

Lingard L.  What we see and don’t see when we look at ‘competence’:
notes on a god term. Adv in Health Sci Educ. Click here.

Lingard L. Paradoxical Truths and Persistent Myths: Reframing
the Team Competence Conversation. JCHEP. Click here.

Wisdom, Challenges and Choices Nursing Foresight 2017 Summit Harvest Document. Click here.

Macy Foundation. Enhancing Health Professions Education through Technology: Building a Continuously Learning Health System. Click here.

Carter J. Training for our digital future: a human-centered design approach to graduate medical education for aspiring clinician-innovators. Nature. Click here. 

Roland and Cabrera Rhizomatics

Carter J. et al. Training for our digital future: a human-centered design approach to graduate medical education for aspiring clinician-innovators. Click here.

Chris McGoff. Change vs. Transformation. Click here.

Buterin. DAOs, DACs, DAs and More: An Incomplete Terminology Guide. Ethereum Org Blog.

Claiborne. Anticipating and Training the Physician of the Future: The Importance of Caring in an Age of Artificial Intelligence. Academic Medicine. Click here.

Adaptive leadership for the #meded. THe one hour read. Ankel and Sherbino. Click here.